Asociación Playa Grande Sostenible is an official non profit formed to improve, protect and responsibly build our community. Our mision is to hone a balance between coastal development, human wellbeing and environmental conservation. We have wide ranging efforts, from understanding how to protect and live alongside our precious wildlife within a National Park to raising funds to make our town safer. Our committees and board of directors are all local residents with the willingness to volunteer for the love they have for Playa Grande. We appretiate everything they do in coordinating community efforts and manifesting sustanability.
The values that define us as a team are:
Respect for all living beings Solidarity Honesty Integrity Belonging

We are grateful for all the help we receive and there are many ways to contribute - join a beach clean up, volunteer your time or expertise to help on one of our initiatives, attend an educational talk or participate in a fundraising community event. Stay informed by signing up below or check our community pages for updates and events.